Tanzania Away

Climbing Kilimanjaro

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Mount Kilimanjaro is one of Africa’s iconic sights, and, as with any mountain, it provokes the desire to climb it, especially as such a climb places you on the very roof of Africa, at a height of 5895 m. Fans of Ernest Hemingway may be disappointed not to see the frozen carcass of a leopard at the summit (viz ‘The Snows of Kilimanjaro’), but don’t be misled into thinking that any paucity of actual snow is due to global warming – it isn’t.

Typically your expedition will involve a total of about five days’ steady trekking, covering some 65 km, most typically starting at the Marangu National Park entrance gate, staying at a variety of climbers’ sleeping huts. In total you will ascend for about 4100 m.

However, although reaching the summit involves trekking, rather than true climbing, do not take such an endeavour lightly. Strict acclimatisation to the altitude is vital, and many people just can’t make it, due to experiencing altitude sickness.

Hence you will need to undertake this climb as part of an organised and specialised expedition - for more information on reliable organisations to use, contact us at TanzaniaAway on the number at the top of the page.
